skyramp tester generate graphql

Generate test configurations for Graphql protocol


      --graphql-url-path string   graphql http url path
      --graphql-ws-path string    graphql ws url path
      --sample-request string     path to API sample request file in

Options inherited from parent commands

      --address string              destination address of tests
      --alias string                Kubernetes service / Docker alias name
      --api-schema string           path to API schema file, or URL (URL support for OpenAPI 3.x only)
      --cluster-id string           cluster id from telemetry provider
  -f, --force                       force create test configurations and overwrite existing files
      --kube-insecure               enable insecure mode for interactions with Kubernetes clusters
      --language string             specify output language for Skyramp library code generation. Accepted values: "javascript" (default "YAML")
  -n, --namespace string            Kubernetes namespace where Skyramp worker resides
      --openai                      (experimental) use OpenAI to generate test values (the 'OPENAI_API_KEY' environment variable must be set with an OpenAI API token)
      --openai-model string         (experimental) Optional, GPT model to use for OpenAI (one of [gpt-3.5-turbo gpt-4]). Note that some models may not accessible based on the API token (default "gpt-3.5-turbo")
      --output-prefix string        prefix for generated files
      --port int                    port number for the service
  -p, --project-path string         path to Skyramp project folder (default ".")
      --start-time string           start time to retrieve traces from
      --telemetry-provider string   telemetry provider, currently only pixie is supported
      --trace-file string           trace file path
  -v, --verbose count               verbose (-v or -vv

Sample Request

  - name: "Capsules"
    query: |-
      query Capsules($capsuleId: ID!) {
        capsule(id: $capsuleId) {
      capsuleId: "5e9e2c5bf35918ed873b2664"

See Also

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